Congratulations and welcome to The University of Queensland Doctor of Medicine (MD) program. 

You're about to embark on an exciting new chapter in your career. To prepare you for starting at UQ, we've developed this getting started page, which provides you with key contact details and requirements for the MD. 

The content here and on the Starting at UQ homepage will help you navigate all the new systems you will use as a UQ medical student. 

Please note that all dates and times stated on this page are Australian Eastern Standard time (AEST).

MD 2025 - Getting Started webinar

Download slides (PDF, 7.6 MB)

3. MD Timetable

Year 1

Once students are enrolled in MEDI7100 Foundations of Medicine, students will then need to preference a timetable pathway.

Students will preference for a timetable pathway for the first 16 weeks which will determine their timetable for the entire academic year.

Important dates

  • Timetable preferencing opens: Midday, Thursday 9 January 2025 
  • Timetable preferencing closes: Midday, Monday 13 January 2025 
  • Timetable Pathway released: Midday, Tuesday 14 January 2025 
  • Group swap requests open: Midday, Tuesday 14 January 2025 
  • Group swap requests close: Midday, Friday 17 January 2025 
  • Timetable Pathway released: Midday, Monday 20 January 2025 

Timetable pathways

The timetable pathways have been built around the Foundations of History & Examination (H&E) tutorial. Students will preference a timetable pathway based on the H&E tutorial (TUT1) group. The tutorial groups are as follows: 

Greater Brisbane Clinical School 
Group 1 to 44 
Central Queensland (Rockhampton) Clinical School 
Groups 45, 46 & 47 
Wide Bay (Bundaberg) Clinical School 
Groups 48, 49, & 50 

To search through the different timetable pathways, please click the links above. The timetable pathway is in numerical order, and you will need to click on the corresponding number of a group to view the indicative timetable. 

Please note, this is an indicative timetable, and your classes may vary once your timetable is released. 

Timetable preferencing

Year 1 medical students will only be required to submit a preference for course MEDI7100, class TUT1. You should rank order your preferred timetable pathways. Your preferences can be changed at any point during the 5-day preferencing period. 

Greater Brisbane and Darling Downs students will only be able to preference groups 1-44. Central Queensland students will only be able to preference groups 45-47 and Wide Bay students will only be able to preference groups 48-50. 

Once assigned to a timetable pathway, all other classes will be allocated to your timetable after the timetable swap period. 

Please note, the My Timetable Planner tool cannot assist MD students with planning for their timetable. The University has provided detailed information and a video about My Timetable on my.UQ – Enrolment and class allocation

Timetable allocations

The timetabling system will allocate you to your highest possible preference. It may not be possible for all students to receive their first preference. If you do not preference or you don’t receive a place in one of your preferences, you will be able to allocate yourself to a timetable pathway during the swap period. Students in Greater Brisbane groups cannot be allocated to the Central Queensland or Wide Bay groups. 

Timetable swap

Once the TUT1 allocations are released to students there will be a period where students can request a timetable swap. The swap period will open on Midday, Tuesday 14 January 2025, and close on Midday, Friday 17 January 2025.  

During this time, you can allocate yourself into another timetable pathway if there is space in the timetable pathway you would like. To do this, log into your MyTimetable and select TUT1. Timetable pathways which have space available will have the “Allocate” button next to the group numbers. Allocating to a new timetable pathway means you will forfeit your spot in your original group.  

If the timetable pathway you want does not have space available, you can select the heart next to group number. This heart will place you on the swap waitlist for this group and if another student wants to swap into your group number, then the swap will be processed. However, if a place becomes available in the group number you have hearted, you will not automatically be placed in the group as the waitlist only processes swaps. As the swap hearted function is not a guarantee of receiving a swap, we encourage you to keep checking your timetable during the swap process to see if space becomes available in your desired group.  

You will not be able to re-allocate yourself after the swap period closes. 


Travel time between the St Lucia Campus and the three clinical units is accounted for when constructing the timetable pathways. The travel time is as follows:

  • 30 minutes for the PA-Southside and Mater Clinical Units
  • 60 minutes for the Royal Brisbane Clinical Unit

The Brisbane City Council bus service (Route 66) frequently travels between the “UQ Lakes Station” and “RBWH Station”, stopping at each of the hospitals sites where your Clinical Unit is located.

Require assistance?

You are most welcome to contact Andrew or Sandra in the Student Administration Team for assistance by emailing or by calling +61 7 3346 4922.