My Magical Journey

Artwork size: 42cm x 29.7cm

Artwork medium: Colour Print of original art work

My professional journey did not begin with promise; I felt lost and defeated in the battle of finding employment, leading me down a wayward path.

Yet, the universe intervened. My first child, the Phoenix, arrived as a serendipitous accident, compelling me to pause and reflect. During this time, I encountered my wise Master in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Buddhist Priest, who illuminated my path with his healing knowledge and wisdom, encouraging me to reconnect with my field. Despite this newfound guidance, uncertainty still shadowed my path.

Then the universe blessed me once more with my second child, the Chinese Unicorn. This cosmic sign prompted another stop, a deeper introspection, and a decisive turn towards my heart's true calling—studying Chinese medicine. This quest was more than academic; it was a journey to reclaim the lost connection with my ancestors, a heritage that migrated with my family to New Zealand when I was just twelve.

This enriching odyssey was fraught with criticism, frustration, and disrespect from my marital family, strengthening my resolve. It was a solitary battle—a battle to prove the righteousness of my path and its benefits for my entire family. Throughout this arduous journey, my children remained my steadfast motivation.

Now, having established my identity and secured my place in the disability sector, the once-feared monsters have begun to transform into allies. However, the journey is far from over. New challenges loom on the horizon, waiting to test and enrich my soul further.

My Magical Journey