Iterations II

Artwork size: 27.5cm x 22.5cm

Artwork medium: Acrylic on canvas

My art practice incorporates painting and writing in an exploration of what it means to be human, the nature of consciousness and reality. The focus for the work is on the interface between intentionality, the unfolding of the creative process and material processes in the exploration and articulation of the totality of experience. It is a meditation on inner knowing and visualised or re-remembered experience of harmony and connection in an ongoing process of finding ways to articulate and express this through material processes.

'Interations' is a series of works made in 2023 which explores the connection between the physical body, subtle energy patterns, harmonics and colour using processes of meditation and active visualisation. The process of making the work combines intentional careful rendering alongside intuitive action-oriented use of colour and layering of paint.

Iterations II