
Artwork size: 32cm x 47cm

Artwork medium: Pen, watercolour on paper.

When working with student art therapists, and when holding space for their learning and growth, I sometimes capture their spirit in these portraits. This duo of portraits is connected to a workshop focused on identity and the self. These are moments frozen in time of contemplation, reflection, deep connection to oneself, to creativity and to the shared hopes as emerging art therapists. I witness the coming together of a group of people each time I facilitate a learning opportunity in the Master of Mental Health, Art Therapy program, I marvel at their willingness to delve into themselves, to step into vulnerability and new experiences in order to gain the skill and confidence to hold space for others to whom they will support in their future.

These portraits hold great respect for each person sitting around these tables, and to each student I've had the privilege to work alongside. In gifting these to the students in the moment and by displaying them here today, I make visible our acknowledgement of their passion and commitment to art therapy, their grit and determination throughout their intense training and their place in being part of helping and enriching our communities.
