Holding Space 

Artwork size: H: 9cm W: 24cm 

Artwork medium: Raffia

It was important for Louise to use sustainably harvested, natural and hand-dyed materials from an Indigenous Australian-owned company, to explore what sustains her as an art therapist. Finding balance, privileging Indigenous knowledge and strengthening a sense of connectedness are concepts that permeate Louise’s values.

The rhythm of basket weaving mirrors the simultaneous patterns occurring in nature and in Louise’s multilayered career. The layers are interwoven together to create a flexible yet grounded holding space. Beginning with the colours on the inside and finishing with the earthy colour on the outside aims to capture how grounded we need to be as art therapists to witness the bursts of beauty and growth inside the ‘work’.

Rituals are an important part of what sustains Louise as an art therapist and repeating the patterns to create the basket links to these personal routines. Louise’s daily practice of noticing small moments of beauty is present in the act of watching the basket build over time and allows her to further build capacity for awe and gratitude. The tactile nature of weaving relates to another daily ritual of regulating and resetting the nervous system.

The cards in the small basket relates to Louise’s practice of choosing words every day with her left hand. It encourages connection to a more creative and expansive perspective, to be present in the moment while also being reflective.

The process of sitting still while making, carved out time for interoceptive awareness. The unevenness of the weaving was an opportunity to embrace imperfection and to honour the feelings of vulnerability that surfaced from this.

Holding Space