The Medical School recognises that exceptional circumstances can lead to you requesting an internal transfer between Clinical Schools.

These guidelines will provide an overview of the application process and timeline for you to apply to transfer Clinical School.


2. Clinical School

2.1 Your home clinical school is based on your admissions/entry pathway:

2.1.1 Greater Brisbane students undertake all years of the program at the Greater Brisbane Clinical School.

2.1.2 Rural students undertake all years of the program at the RCS through the following pathways:

  • DD-SW: For 2025, DD-SW students will be allocated to the GBCS for Year 1, then move to the DD-SW Learning Community within the RCS for the remainder of their program. From 2026, incoming students will be allocated to the DD-SW Learning Community in the RCS for the duration of the program.
  • CQ: will be allocated to the CQ Learning Community within the RCS for the duration of the program.
  • WB: will be allocated to the WB Learning Community within the RCS for the duration of the program

2.1.3 UQ-Ochsner students undertake Years 1 and 2 within the GBCS and Years 3 and 4 at the OCS.

2.2 Transfers between Clinical Schools will not be considered during Years 1 or 2 of the program, regardless of circumstance.