In partnership with an outstanding team of general practitioner teachers, we make a strong contribution to teaching across the MD program. The Mayne Academy also supervises Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students, including general practitioners and other health professionals.

The UQ MD program

The UQ MD (Doctor of Medicine) is a 4-year postgraduate degree.  The UQ MD curriculum has recently undergone extensive revision and change with the updated program commencing in Year 1 2023 and will be fully implemented by 2026.  The updated program involves year-long integrated courses with progressively increasing clinical experience.  The new program is based around six key themes:  Safe and Effective Clinician; Critical Thinker; Scientist and Scholar; Advocate for Health Improvement; Dynamic Learner and Educator; Kind and Compassionate Professional; and Partner and Team Player.  Under the new program students are allocaed to one of four Learning Communities in the Greater Brisbane Clinical School, or to the Rural Clinical School, or to the Ochsner Clinical School.

Implications of the updated UQ MD for GP Clinical Teachers

The biggest change for GP Clinical Teachers is that students will now have two opportunites to experience general practice during their training.

  • All Year 2 students undertake a longitudinal placement in general practice for one day per week over approximately 14 weeks; AND
  • From 2026, all Year 4 students will undertake an immersive placement in general practice for more than 30 half-day sessions over 8 weeks, prior to a pre-intern experience.  From 2026, this Year 4 placement replaces the Year 3 immersive 6-week placement.