Welcome to the UQ-Ochsner Clinical School
Established in 2009, our UQ-Ochsner Clinical School is a proud partnership between UQ and Ochsner Health in New Orleans, United States.
The UQ-Ochsner Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program is a four-year degree, of which the first two years are spent at UQ's Queensland campuses in Brisbane, and the final two years are spent with us, at the UQ-Ochsner Clinical School in New Orleans.
During these two years, our students rotate through a range of immersive clinical experiences in hospital and community settings, providing them with opportunities to develop as well-rounded graduates as they prepare to progress into residency training.
The UQ-Ochsner Clinical School is headed by Professor Ron Amedee.
Contact: med.ocsStudentAdmin@uq.edu.au
Meet the team Ochsner Medical Student Association (OMSA) UQ-Ochsner Graduates