Ochsner Student Research Hub

UQ-Ochsner students have a unique opportunity to take advantage of the rich research environment at both The University of Queensland (UQ) and the Ochsner Clinical School (OCS) in New Orleans. 

The Ochsner Student Research Hub is designed to allow Ochsner students in MD Years 1 and 2 to connect with potential OCS research supervisors to help identify an area of interest or a project that can be ready to start when you arrive in New Orleans for MD Years 3 and 4. 

Please remember your priorities: While you are encouraged to pursue research during your medical program, the priorities in MD Years 1 and 2 must be about preparation for the USMLE Step One and maintaining successful progression in the MD Program.

This Hub is meant to give you an advantage on getting involved in one of many research opportunities available during MD Years 3 and 4 at the OCS in New Orleans. 

In order for you to make the most efficient and informed choices regarding your research options, please read FAQs below specifically for UQ-Ochsner students interested in research. 

View FAQs

Find a project 

See what projects are available at Ochsner Clinical School.

For MD Year 1 and 2 Ochsner Students

UQ Ochsner students based in Brisbane for Years 1 and 2 of the MD are encouraged to explore research opportunities, while also being aware of your USMLE and MD priorities. Nevertheless, now is a good time to identify a research interest and find a supervisor and project at Ochsner Health in New Orleans. 

MD Year 1 and 2 Ochsner students should follow the process described on the Student Research Portal called Student Research Options in the 'NEW' MD. All details are at this link: For Y1 & Y2 Students Only: How to undertake self-guided research.

Additionally, the ‘Find a Project’ link here in the Ochsner Hub page lists several Ochsner researchers and their projects.  Feel free to make contact with these potential supervisors, and perhaps establish a relationship around mutual research interests. You might even organise a project that you can begin in when you get to the Ochsner Clinical School in New Orleans.  

For MD Year 3 and 4 Ochsner Students

UQ Ochsner students based in New Orleans for Phase 2 of the MD have several opportunities to do research at the Ochsner Clinical School.  If you have not already organised a project with a researcher, you might look through the “Find a Project” link on the Ochsner Hub or make contact through meeting clinicians on your clinical placements.

Regardless of how you find a research project, you must follow the steps on the OMSA Guide for Phase 2 Research and the OMSA Research Checklist and FAQ.

Ochsner Clinical School research resources

Research lectures

UQ-Ochsner Clinician Scientist Track

The Clinician Scientist Track (CST) represents a program of study that allows eligible students to incorporate a Higher Degree by Research (HDR), either a PhD or an *MPhil integrated with the MD degree. The MD-PhD and the MD-MPhil are offered as an intercalated model; meaning you interrupt your MD degree to do full time PhD or MPhil research, then return to finish your MD and graduate with an MD-PhD or MD-MPhil. 

UQ Ochsner students who are very research focussed are encouraged to consider undertaking the CST.  Please follow all the information detailed on Clinician Scientist Track: MD-PhD

UQ-Ochsner MD-PhD Scholarship

If you are interested in combining a PhD with a medical degree, the UQ-Ochsner MD-PhD Scholarship is specifically for eligible enrolled UQ-Ochsner MD students. Please see details of the UQ-Ochsner MD-PhD Scholarship on the Ochsner MD Program website.

Meet our Clinician Scientist students.

UQ-Ochsner MD-PhD Scholarship

If you are interested in combining a PhD with a medical degree, the UQ-Ochsner MD-PhD Scholarship is specifically for eligible enrolled UQ-Ochsner MD students. Please see details of the UQ-Ochsner MD-PhD Scholarship on the Ochsner MD Program website.

Scholarship Image

Ochsner research highlights

2024 Ochsner Research Day Student Awards

2024 Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Ochsner Research Day

Student research highlights

Congratulations to Dr Arielle Kasindi (UQ-OCS class of 2020). Dr Kasindi is first author in this paper that was published in the winter edition of the Ochsner Journal.

Kasindi A, Carstarphen KJ. Bulbar onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in an African American older adult. Ochsner J. 2023 Winter;23(4):353-356. doi: 10.31486/toj.23.0045  

Congratulations to Mike Mullen: Journal of Orthopaedic Research (JOR) Excellence in Basic Science Award. Year 3 Ochsner student Mike Mullen has received the 2023 award for "Excellence in Basic Science from Journal of Orthopaedic Research"  Mike is first author on article “Mechanical Strain Drives Exosome Production, Function, and miRNA Cargo in C2C12 Muscle Progenitor Cells” published in Journal of Orthopaedic Research in Vol. 41, Issue 6.  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jor.25467

This award celebrates seminal work published in JOR in the Basic category. A grant of $1000 is presented at the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Meeting, selected by the Editors from eligible papers accepted by the Journal of Orthopaedic Research in the prior calendar year.  This award is sponsored by Wiley on behalf of the Journal of Orthopaedic Research.

Congratulations to Michael Mullen, Year 2 Ochsner student who won the ANZAHPE Student Prize for his extended abstract entitled “Coping Self-Efficacy, Social Support, and Self-Stigma of Help Seeking Inhibition Among Male and Female Medical Students” which he will present at the annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Association for Health Professions Education (ANZAHPE) 26-29th June 2023.

Congratulations to Year 2 Ochsner students Michael Mullen and Dhaval Patel who have had their research accepted to present at the ANZAHPE annual conference in June 2023. The Australia and New Zealand Association for Health Professions Education (ANZAHPE) is the premier medical education association in Australia and New Zealand. The ANZAHPE conference is being held on the Gold Coast from the 26th – 29th June.

Michael’s talk is entitled “Coping Self-Efficacy, Social Support, and Self-Stigma of Help Seeking Inhibition Among Male and Female Medical Students”.

Dhaval’s talk is entitled “Exploring Well-Being Through the Lens of Coping Self-Efficacy and Calling in Medical Students”.

Ochsner 2023 Post Doctoral Research Fellows

Ochsner 2022 Post Doctoral Research Fellow