There are two pathways to undertake an MD-PhD or MD-MPhil.
Pathway 1: For current MD students - Intercalated Option
Current MD students may begin the Intercalated PhD or Intercalated MPhil after completion of MD Year 2, as described above.
Pathway 2: For future MD students – MD Defer Option
Students who have a current offer to enrol in the UQ MD program, may wish to consider deferring the start to the MD in order to begin or complete a current or proposed PhD or MPhil.
Categories of students who may consider Pathway 2 are;
1. Provisional entry undergraduates who are in the final year of a Bachelor’s degree or Honours.
2. Graduate entry (via GAMSAT) students, who are currently working with a research group or supervisor with the intention to pursue a HDR.
3. Current UQ PhD students who are progressing satisfactorily and in their final stages of their research may defer the MD to allow completion of a UQ PhD or MPhil.
Preference will be given to students who are already working in the area of research related to their proposed UQ PhD or MPhil, and have already established a research relationship with their proposed supervisor.
Future MD students interested in Pathway 2 and believe they qualify, should contact the Director of MD Student Research to discuss.
*IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING ELIGIBILITY FOR AUSTUDY: Austudy applicants who have previously completed a Doctorate level (i.e. Doctor of Philosophy/PhD) course in Australia, or a qualification of the same standing from an overseas institution, are not eligible for Austudy. This may be a consideration for students who defer the MD to progress their PhD because it is more likely that they will finish the their PhD before they graduate their MD and may lose Austudy when their PhD is conferred. Students are advised to contact Centrelink to confirm their individual situation. It may possible to delay your Higher Degree conferral to avoid this. Please contact the Director MD Student Research for advice at