Society Head Visit Brisbane
The Ochsner Society Heads and other Ochsner faculty and staff will be in Brisbane the week of 7 April 2025. The agenda features a UQ-Ochsner Leadership and Society Head Symposium, and one-on-one meetings fostering collaboration and networking among attendees. Details regarding the group events are below:
UQ-Ochsner Leadership and Society Head Symposium
Monday, 7 April 2025
Informational session for Year 1 and 2 students
Time: 5:00 - 6:00pm
Location: 4401 Learning Theatre, Level 4, Oral Health Centre, Herston Campus
Meet and Greet Pizza Party
Time: 6:00 - 7:00pm
Location: Student Hub, Level 5, Oral Health Centre, Herston Campus
Additional Visitors
In addition to your Society Heads, the following faculty and staff will also be in attendance.
Professor G. Dodd Denton, MD, MPH
Deputy Director of Student Affairs, Ochsner Clinical School
Mr. Scott L. Peters, MSHCM
Program Director, Ochsner Clinical School
Ms. Jaclyn M. Najar, MHA, MBA
Manager, Clinical Education, Ochsner Clinical School
Ms. Lisa Casey
Ochsner Student Support Lead, Associate Program Manager, Ochsner Clinical School
All UQ-Ochsner students are always welcome to schedule a one-on-one Zoom with their Society Head throughout the year by contacting the Ochsner Student and Academic Affairs team at For more information on Ochsner Medical Societies, visit the webpage here.
If you require further information, please reach out to
Society Head Appointment - Year 2
As part of MEDI7200, UQ-Ochsner students are required to attend two individual Development Coach meetings per year. In Year 2, your Development Coach is your Ochsner Society Head. Your first meeting will take place in person during our trip to Brisbane in April, and your second meeting will be conducted in September via video conference.
Attendance is mandatory for Year 2 UQ-Ochsner students to meet one-on-one with your Society Head.
To enable your society heads to prepare, the deadline for uploading your 1st Development Coach meeting agenda on MyProgress ePAD is Wednesday 26 March, 11:59 pm (AEST). This information is also posted on the MEDI7200 Blackboard course site.
Each Year 2 student has been assigned a meeting in accordance with their academic schedule. Travel time has been considered. You will receive a notification from the Student Hub appointment system. If the assigned time does not work for you, you can reschedule it by locating your society head below or via the link in the appointment notification. You will be able to modify your appointment until 5:00pm (AEST) Wednesday, 19th March.
Appointments close: 19 March 2025
Development Coach agenda due: 26 March 2025
On ePAD, under "Development Coach Meetings" you will be prompted to list the name and email of your Development Coach. UQ-Ochsner students are to complete this as follows.
- Name of Development Coach: List the name of your society (Burns, Caldwell, LeJeune, Ochsner, or Tyrone)
- Development Coach email:
Students will receive an additional automated email reminder 24 hours prior to their scheduled meeting. Please contact immediately if there are any unforeseen circumstances.
Society Head Appointment - Year 1
Year 1 UQ-Ochsner students who wish to schedule a one-on-one meeting are strongly encouraged to secure a slot at the earliest opportunity. It is important to note that these slots are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, Year 1 students are urged to act promptly to secure their appointment.
For students assigned to the Tyrone society, please contact if you wish to schedule an appointment. For all other societies, please use the link listed below under your appropriate society.
The ability to book a meeting will open on Friday, 21st March, at 9:00am (AEST) and will conclude at 5:00pm (AEST) Thursday 27th March 2024.
Appointments open: 21 March 2025
Appointments close: 27 March 2025
Please contact immediately if there are any unforeseen circumstances.
Burns Society
Year 2
The ability to schedule and reschedule appointments is open HERE until 5:00pm (AEST) Wednesday, 19th March.
Year 1
The ability to schedule and reschedule appointments will open here at 21st March, at 9:00am (AEST).
Caldwell Society
Year 2
The ability to schedule and reschedule appointments is open HERE until 5:00pm (AEST) Wednesday, 19th March.
Year 1
The ability to schedule and reschedule appointments will open here at 21st March, at 9:00am (AEST).
LeJeune Society
Year 2
The ability to schedule and reschedule appointments is open HERE until 5:00pm (AEST) Wednesday, 19th March.
Year 1
The ability to schedule and reschedule appointments will open here at 21st March, at 9:00am (AEST).
Ochsner Society
Year 2
The ability to schedule and reschedule appointments is open HERE until 5:00pm (AEST) Wednesday, 19th March.
Year 1
The ability to schedule and reschedule appointments will open here at 21st March, at 9:00am (AEST).