Ochsner Years 1 and 2

Years 1 and 2

Welcome to Years 1 and 2 of the UQ-Ochsner MD Program.

UQ-Ochsner MD students complete the pre-clinical years in Brisbane during Years 1 and 2. The Clinical Preparation combines the study of basic and clinical sciences with training in research, ethics, public health and clinical skills. 

Students in the UQ-Ochsner MD Program can access the UQ-Ochsner MD Blackboard site which provides confidential information, specifically as it relates to UQ-Ochsner students in Years 1 and 2. Students automatically receive email notices to their UQ email when announcements are posted on the community site.

View the Ochsner Medical Student Association (OMSA) website.

UQ-Ochsner Student Contacts

The Ochsner Partnership Advisor in Brisbane: 

Phone: +61 7 3346 4866
Email: med.ochsner@uq.edu.au  

The Ochsner Clinical School Student Administration in New Orleans:

Phone: +1 504 842 1204 | +1 504 842 7460 | +1 504 754 7279
Email: med.ocsStudentAdmin@uq.edu.au