Are you interested in teaching and learning in medicine and the health professions? ANZAHPE is the Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators.
Student memberships are available with discounts on conferences and access to student prizes and prestigious fellowships.
Plus you are part of a community of like-minded students and medical education experts to promote your interest in education and scholarship.
Benefits of ANZAHPE membership include:
- Subscription to the ANZAHPE Journal - Focus on Health Professional
- Education: a Multi-Professional Journal
- Subscription to the ANZAHPE Bulletin
- Discounted registration for the Annual ANZAHPE Conference
- Eligibility for ANZAHPE research grants, prizes and awards
- Eligibility and discounted rates to attend ANZAHPE events
- Membership of a collegial community of health professional educators
Please visit the ANZAHPE website for full membership details or to keep up with news and events in medical and health professions education.
Click here for the latest ANZAHPE Bulletin