Research projects and themes
- Visualising digital footprints to enhance learner engagement in work-integrated learning
- Clinician engagement in professional learning to enhance learning and teaching in medicine
- Development of instrumentation for student evaluation of clinical education experience (SECEE)
- Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for Clinical Educators
- Improving the research and data literacy of medical students and health professionals
- A range of projects related to social determinants of health, health services and implementation research in forensic mental health
- Enriching medical trainees' learning through practice: towards a focus on patient-centred care and interprofessional working
- Safe learning environments for rural GP trainees: understanding the relationship between emotions, psychological safety and feedback
- Enhancing feedback literacy in the workplace: a learner-centred approach
- Reimagining rural general practices in a COVID-19 world
- Coping and health behaviours
- Exploring the research activity and interests of medical students
- Workplace-based learning, feedback and student progression