To estimate attendance and costs, if you are interested in attending in person, please EOI to   ASAP please!!!


Breaking News!

After a 5 year break, ACE has agreed that the time is right  for a repeat Endocarditis Symposium!

The Provisional date is for Saturday October 12th, 2024.

This is expected to be an all-day Hybrid Conference.

Site to be confirmed.

Being Hybrid enables several international speakers to be invited, which would not otherwise be possible for a non-industry meeting of this size. 

Face to face attendance will be encourages, to aid with networking.

The centrepiece of the Symposium is expected to be an unveling of the ACE IE datafields, which have been several years in preparation, so that a new era in endocarditis research and management can commence in Australasia.

The Program will be developed over the coming months, and  suggestions via the ieQ email address ( are welcome.