Research support
Your Senior Research Administration Officer (SRAO) is responsible for providing research administration and advisory support to researchers and the unit's leadership, and providing operational support for activities that enhance the unit's research environment and performance. Your Precinct Research Manager leads and manages research administration and advisory support services across the precinct, precinct-based research and researcher development activities and initiatives, as well as contributing to broader activities that support research performance across all campuses and sites.
Senior Manager, Research - Herston Precinct
HDR support
The HDR Liaison Officers (HLOs) provide advice and assistance to HDR students and supervisors about HDR opportunities, applications, scholarships, enrolment, candidature management, milestones and thesis submission.
Email the team at or see all Health Team contact details on the my.UQ website.
The Director of Higher Degree Research for for the Medical School is Associate Professor Bernadette Richards,