
The Advancement team works with alumni, community members and corporate and foundation donors to raise funds in support of Faculty priorities.



Human resources


The infrastructure team coordinate and provide oversight on a broad range of facilities management issues to ensure the effective operation, utilisation and preservation of buildings and assets across the entire Faculty of Medicine. The infrastructure team liaises with, and provides facilities management advice to all Faculty staff and students. The team also coordinates medium and long term space management and planning activities to support the Faculty’s teaching and research strategic objectives. Working with the University’s Property and Facilities Division (P&F) and the various hospital and health service providers they oversee maintenance works and construction projects on behalf of the Faculty. 

  • Alison Pratt

    Mrs Alison Pratt

    Infrastructure Manager
    Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)


From media and communications and social media to video production, brand queries and website development, we are the team to contact. While we have a team of specialists based at Herston, we are structured in a way that allows you to build a relationship directly with two of our Managers. For media support, contact the Media and Communications Manager. For all other queries, contact the Marketing and Communications Manager. For internal newsletters, email

Rural Clinical School:

  • Brian Mallon

    Mr Brian Mallon

    Senior Principal Marketing and Communication Manager
    Faculty of Medicine


The Faculty of Medicine OHS team comprises five members with a broad spectrum of technical knowledge and experience with systems for the safe management of: 

  • biologicals and biosecurity 
  • chemicals, including prohibited and restricted carcinogens, chemicals of security concern 
  • radiation 
  • ergonomics 
  • clinical teaching and practice 
  • laboratory design and management 
  • plant and equipment
  • drugs and poisons
  • animal and human research ethics
  • occupational hygiene, including hearing and allergen surveillance
  • field work and event planning 
  • emergency procedures 
  • risk assessments and incident investigations

The Manager of Occupational Health and Safety coordinates the Faculty OHS team and develops and implements OHS policy, collaborating with the UQ HSW Division to develop greater consistency and transparency of OHS management practices across the Faculty and the University.

All members of the team are available to assist and advise on any issues relating to OHS or other general compliance issues. Contact

  • Deon Knight

    Mr Deon Knight

    Safety Manager
    Infrastructure and Research Operations (Medicine)

Student and Academic Administration