Use of Daptomycin + Ceftaroline for the treatment of MRSA Bacteremia: A Retrospective Analysis
- Infectious disease
- Pharmacology
Location: Ochsner Clinical School
Type of student: Extra-curricular only (this represents volunteer research opportunities that students may do during spare time and holiday periods)
Type of work:
- Chart reviews
- Literature review
- Statistical analysis
- Systematic review
Brief synopsis:
The utility of combination therapy for the management of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is unclear. Specifically, the daptomycin-ceftaroline combination has shown promise in the management in MRSA bacteremia, when used early. The goal of this project would be to determine the clinical and microbiologic outcomes in patients with MRSA bacteremia treated with either Daptomycin+ Ceftaroline vs. standard care (monotherapy). This project will be a retrospective comparison of patients receiving these meds, with data collected from EPIC, and subsequently analyzed for the outcomes specified.
Website for extra information: