Supporting the health and wellbeing of cancer caregivers
- Cancers
- Health services
- Public health
Location: Cancer Council Queensland
Type of student:
- Extra-curricular only (this represents research work experience opportunities that students may do during spare time and holiday periods)
- 4 Unit Masters of Public Health (MPH) Student
Type of work:
- Literature review
- Qualitative methods
- Secondary data analysis
- Systematic review
- Brief synopsis:
Family and friends provide vital support to people with cancer, helping with activities of daily living, medical care and follow-up, and providing emotional and social support. As cancer prevalence increases due to increasing cancer incidence and survival, the role of caregivers in supporting cancer patients and survivors will become increasingly important. Researchers at Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ) are seeking to develop sustainable ways to support the health and wellbeing of cancer caregivers, particularly those living in rural areas. To inform this project, an up-to-date review of the literature is needed to identify current knowledge and gaps regarding how: (1) caring for someone with cancer affects caregivers’ health behaviours and wellbeing, and (2) cancer caregivers' support-seeking behaviours for their own health and wellbeing.
Prerequisite skills: Interest in research and supporting people affected by cancer