This retrospective records review study was to determine the type, frequency, severity, and preventability of patient harm in New Zealand general practice. Eight general practitioner reviewers reviewed three years of GP electronic health records and associated records of prescriptions, laboratory and radiological investigations, referrals and letters from specialists, and hospital discharge letters, from 60 randomly selected general practices from around New Zealand. The GP reviewers reviewed 9000 randomly selected patient GP records. This research will provide new information about the epidemiology, impact, and preventability of harm in New Zealand general practices. Knowledge of where and why harm occurs enables patients and health care providers to make informed decisions regarding risks and potential benefits of treatment.

UQ Researchers

Professor Katharine Wallis

Mayne Professor and Head
Mayne Academy of General Practice
General Practice Clinical Unit


Professor Susan M. Dovey
Department of General Practice and Rural Health
University of Otago, New Zealand

Dr Sharon Leitch
Senior Lecturer
Department of General Practice and Rural Health
University of Otago, New Zealand

Professor Wayne Cunningham
Professor and Head
Department of Family Medicine
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Medical University Bahrain

Dr Kyle Eggleton
Senior Lecturer - Medical 
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr Steven Lillis
School of Medicine
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr Andrew W. McMenamin
Te Ngae Medical Centre
Rotorua, New Zealand

Dr Martyn I. Williamson
Senior Lecturer
Department of General Practice and Rural Health
University of Otago, New Zealand

Associate Professor David M. Reith
Office of the Dean (Dunedin)
University of Otago, New Zealand

Dr Ari Samaranayaka
Senior Research Fellow
University of Otago, New Zealand

Professor Murray W. Tilyard
Professor of General Practice
Department of General Practice and Rural Health
University of Otago