Field: Orthopaedics

Location: Ochsner Clinical School

Type of student:

  • Both HDR and Extra-curricular 
  • 4 Unit Masters of Public Health (MPH) Student 

Type of work:

  • Chart reviews 
  • Literature review 
  • Secondary data analysis 
  • Statistical analysis 
  • Systematic review 

Brief synpopsis:

 a.    Current research projects that need additional data management support:

                                                    i.     1. Sanofi/Synvisc study(IRB#2012.205) - Can we delay the time to TKR 

1.      i. Control - no viscosupplementation

2.      ii. Treatment group - Synvicsc (single shot or series)

3.      1. Repeat treatment every 6 months

4.      2. Intermittent

5.      3. In combination with corticosteroid or other viscosupplementation

6.      4. With / Without Bracing

7.      5. Kellgren-Lawrence Grade

8.      6. Previous Arthroscopic procedure or partial replacement

9.      iii. Comorbidities

10.   1. BMI

11.   2. Diabetes

12.   3. HTN

13.   4. CAD

b.      2. Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation Outcomes Data Collection (IRB#2018.247)

                                                    i.     a. Standard of Care (SOC preserved 4° C) 

                                                   ii.     b. Missouri OC Preservation (MOPS 25° C)

                                                  iii.     i. MOPS better, equal to or worse than SOC

                                                  iv.     ii. Factors

                                                   v.     1. Size

                                                  vi.     2. Number grafts

                                                vii.     3. Chronicity of disease

                                               viii.     1. KL score

                                                  ix.     2. Findings

                                                   x.     3. Intra-op Arthroscopic grade

                                                  xi.     4. Bipolar (both sides) lesions

                                                xii.     5. Concomitant procedures

                                               xiii.     6. BMI

                                               xiv.     7. Activity level

c.      3. Cartimax ® (IRB#2019.069) - Cryopreserved (up to 12 months) articular cartilage shavings mixed with lyophilized cartilage matrix (aggrecan) at time surgery for isolated ICRS Grade 4A (no bone involvement) lesions

                                                    i.     a. Initial pilot study

                                                   ii.     i. 26 patients currently 

                                                  iii.     ii. Safety

                                                  iv.     iii. Outcomes

                                                   v.     iv. Repeat MRI

d.      4. Umbilical Cord Arthrocentesis / Application (Tissue Tech - Clarix® FLO or Cord) IRB#2018.201 & 2017.127B

                                                    i.     a. Nerve regeneration

                                                   ii.     b. OA treatment in office

                                                  iii.     c. Augmentation 

                                                  iv.     i. Meniscal surgery

                                                   v.     ii. ACL surgery

                                                  vi.     iii. Cartilage regeneration

e.      5. Johnson and Johnson Outcomes Interest 

                                                    i.     a. Depuy TKR (IRB# 2018.046)

                                                   ii.     b. Mitek Adjustable Loop Soft Tissue Fixation

                                                  iii.     c. Mitek Healix Rotator Cuff Repair

f.       6. Arthrex Outcomes Interest 

                                                    i.     a. Suprapectoral Biceps Tendon Tenodesis (IRB# 2015.095)

                                                   ii.     b. iBalance High Tibial Osteotomy plate and screw technique (IRB#2009.055)

g.      7. Arthrosurface Outcomes Interest (IRB# 2013.242)

                                                    i.     a. Patellofemoral Replacement procedure

h.      There are numerous other studies in house at OSMI  as well


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