Fields: Medical education

Location: Academy for Medical Education

Type of student: Extra-curricular only (this represents research work experience opportunities that students may do during spare time and holiday periods)

Type of work: Literature review

Brief synopsis:

Learning to prescribe is challenging. We are exploring how to improve prescribing feedback practices in hospital settings. 

We are working on two literature reviews:

  1. Interprofessional prescribing feedback processes - focusing on pharmacists:  we need help rerunning the literature search to pick up any new literature since 2018 and then updating an already drafted scoping review paper.  This review would be well suited for medical students who have been pharmacists. We are happy to offer first author to the student if they lead the rerunning of the searching and write revisions to a standard where the article is ready for submission.  You will be well supported by a team of leading medical education researchers and pharmacy academics.
  2. Improving prescribing practices through effective feedback: we are commencing a comprehensive realist literature review and will need help with data screening and extraction.  You will be well supported by a team of physicians, medical educators and pharmacy academics.

Prerequisite skills: Academic writing


Associate Professor Christy Noble

Associate Professor in Clinical Learning & Assessment Lead
Academy for Medical Education