Continuation of multimodal intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing of GP registrars. The intervention consists of online learning modules, workshops for GP trainees and their registrars, and ongoing facilitation of the trainee-supervisor dyad through case-based discussion in weekly meetings.

UQ Researchers

Dr Greg Merlo

Dr Greg Merlo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
General Practice Clinical Unit

Emeritus Professor Mieke Van Driel

Emeritus Professor
General Practice Clinical Unit

Emma Baillie

PhD Student
Faculty of Medicine


Conjoint Professor Parker Magin
School of Medicine and Public Health (General Practice)
The University of Newcastle
NSW, Australia

Research and Evaluation Unit
GP Synergy, Mayfield, NSW

Dr Alison Fielding
School of Medicine and Public Health (General Practice)
The University of Newcastle
NSW, Australia

Research and Evaluation Unit
GP Synergy, Mayfield, NSW

Conjoint Professor Joshua Davis
School of Medicine and Public Health (General Practice)
The University of Newcastle
NSW, Australia

Dr Anthea Dallas
Academic Lead
The University of Tasmania
Tas, Australia

Dr Andrew Davey
Conjoint Lecturer
School of Medicine and Public Health (General Practice)
The University of Newcastle, NSW

Research and Evaluation Unit
GP Synergy, Mayfield, NSW

Amanda Tapley
Conjoint Fellow
School of Medicine and Public Health (General Practice)
The University of Newcastle, NSW

Research and Evaluation Unit
GP Synergy, Mayfield, NSW