Researcher biography
Alice is a PhD candidate in the General Practice Clinical Unit, Faculty of Medicine. She is employed at the RBWH as a senior audiologist and Implantable Devices Program Manager in the Audiology Department. Her research interest lies in hearing loss in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, implantable hearing devices, and improving access and quality of care to hearing impaired patients.
Alice is a member of the Audiology Australia and gained her Certificate of Clinical Practice in 2008. She completed a Master of Public Health in 2015.
Alice’s PhD thesis is entitled Improving management of hearing loss in an urban population of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and she is supervised by A/Prof Deborah Askew (primary), A/Prof Geoff Spurling, A/Prof Wayne Wilson, Prof Roxanne Bainbridge, and Prof Philip Schluter.
The PhD study utilises mixed methods research in separate but related studies with the following first three projects:
Prevalence and management of hearing loss and ear disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and older: A scoping review.
Hearing and hearing loss in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults: knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes.
Self-reported hearing loss and follow-up care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults in an urban setting.
At the end of 2021, Alice was awarded a Queensland Advancing Clinical Research Fellowship for the third projected listed above and for a final project entitled Improving pathways of care for detection and management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults with hearing loss. This final project includes carrying out action group meetings with key stakeholders to co-design solutions to the barriers for accessing hearing healthcare for implementation and evaluation.