The Medical School encourages and appreciates student representation on many of its formal committees, these include the:

  • Medical School Doctor of Medicine Students-Staff Liaison Group
  • Medical School Doctor of Medicine International Students-Staff Liaison Sub-Group
  • Medical School Health, Safety and Wellness Committee
  • Medical School Higher Degree Research Sub-Committee
  • Medical School Staff and Student Support and Wellbeing Committee
  • Medical School Teaching & Learning Committee

Reasons to become a student representative

Student representatives are integral members of the Committees and are key to improving the student experience for their peers by providing constructive feedback and suggestions. They also play an important role in providing a conduit for information between the committee and the student cohort they represent. This is an excellent professional development opportunity to gain experience in governance processes and hone transferrable skills such as persuasion, negotiation, public speaking, and critical thinking.

The role of the student representative and expectations

As part of their role, student representatives are asked to:

  • attend committee meetings, where possible.
  • prepare for committee meetings by reading and considering the agenda items. 
  • actively participate in committee business and provide appropriate contributions.
  • consult widely on the views and opinions of the student cohort they represent.
  • communicate relevant discussions, recommendations, decisions and outcomes to the student cohort they represent, as appropriate.
  • manage and report on action items allocated to them.

Support and resources

Upon joining the committee, student representatives will be provided with a copy of the terms of reference and a student representative role description. Students will also be provided with a link to the Student Representative Training Module. The training module is a comprehensive guide to assist students undertaking representative roles on university committees. Should student representatives require assistance, the committee chair and secretary can provide support and advice. Student representatives may request a pre-meeting with the chair should they require further clarification on their role and the purpose of the committee, if necessary.

Further information for student representatives can also be accessed via the Student Representation website.

The application process

When student representative applications open in the new year, students will be advised on the MD Community site or via email on how to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through StudentHub. Please note, the advertisement will not appear outside of the EOI period.

All students will be notified of the outcome of their application once the selection process is finalised.