Nalini has more than 25 years’ experience in innovative design and delivery of medicine and health programs in several countries. Her research focusses on curriculum and assessment design, digital and inclusive education, and integration of biomedical sciences into health professional programs. She has a particular interest in cognitive load and curricular approaches that support positive learning behaviour and wellbeing. Nalini also has an interest the use of educational technologies and in AI to enhance learning, critical thinking and professional development.
Nalini is the co-founder of the Health Universities Initiative, which frames a whole-of-university approach to student success and wellbeing. She has several awards (Faculty, Vice-Chancellor, Australian Award for University Teaching) for her contributions to higher education. Nalini is the Chair of the International Program for Anatomical Education (FIPAE) of the IFAA, and an Associate Editor of Anatomical Sciences Education (Impact Factor, 7.2). Nalini is a Board Member and Fellow of ANZAHPE, Fellow of the Scientia Education Academy, and Associate Fellow of HERDSA. She currently supervises 5 PhD students.