The Medical Program Participation Guidelines have been developed to support you to engage optimally with your learning in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program with your wellbeing in mind. The guidelines aim to:

  1. Clarify the expectations of you as a medical student in relation to participating optimally in the MD Program while preparing for future professional practice.
  2. Outline the flexible approaches available to you to prioritise your health.
  3. Inform you about the processes in place to enable you to manage absences.

The Medical School expects you to read these guidelines carefully, and that you will take responsibility to look after your health and manage your learning in accordance with these guidelines. The School encourages you to inform relevant personnel and to seek support early as outlined in these guidelines.

4. Transition, Orientation and Introductory Weeks

Transition into MD (Year 1 weeks 1-4), Orientation (Year 2) and Introductory Week (Years 3 & 4) are integral to the medical program and are offered to you to optimise your learning in the upcoming course(s). The participation expectations are similar to other learning experiences within the course. You are required to actively participate in all transition, orientation, and introductory week activities and any other preparatory learning experiences e.g. internship preparation workshops. The respective schedules and locations will be made available to you ahead of time. You are required to follow the absence notification and learning plan process as outlined earlier for absences from these learning experiences, including missed learning resulting from travel to a clinical placement at a location different to Introductory Week activities. See Blackboard Community sites for further details.