The University of Queensland (UQ) Medical School facilitates elective placements for visiting medical students. Visiting students are those enrolled in a medical program at another institution - whether in Queensland, interstate, or overseas - seeking clinical elective experiences at a UQ-affiliated hospital.

Eligible students must have completed at least one semester of clinical training in a recognised medical degree. hese placements are limited and highly competitive. There are no summative assessments or formal teaching, though students may attend tutorials.

Placements range from 4 to 12 weeks, with one elective permitted per calendar year. Only clinical electives are available; research electives are not offered.

Due to high demand, and limited placement availability, the Medical School cannot guarantee a placement. We encourage applicants to have alternative options in place.

For enquiries, please contact the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences (HMBS) Work Integrated Learning (WIL) team at