If you are calling from overseas, please note, most countries support 1300 numbers, but not all.  The best way to find out is by contacting your local service provider.

If the country from which you are calling supports 1300 numbers

If you are calling from outside Australia and the country from which you are calling supports 1300 numbers, you will need to dial the international dial-out code, followed by the Australian code (+61) and then the 1300 number.

Please note, if you make contact with a 1300 number in Australia from overseas, you will be charged based on your local network’s rates.

If the country from which you are calling does not support 1300 numbers

If you are calling from outside Australia and the country from which you are calling does not support 1300 numbers, the following options are available to you.

For immediate crisis support:

  • Call your local crisis support line (external to UQ).

To book an appointment with the Medical School Student Support Team: