The Mayne Academy of General Practice offers full and part-time positions in academic general practice. These positions provide a year of advanced training in academic general practice to interested general practice registrars.

Academic posts are part of Australian General Practice Training and provide training in an academic setting. Registrars will undertake a research project and  contribute to teaching, professional service and leadership. As well as developing research skills, registrars can develop skills in teaching and student assessment, planning and evaluation or teaching and academic project work. A senior academic supervisor provides guidance, mentorship, supervision, and feedback.

The Mayne Academy of General Practice is highly supportive of academic registrars and provides a nurturing environment where academic skills can be developed. Training posts can be structured to meet the specific needs of individual registrars.


Current GP Academic Registrars

Dr Shane Delisser

Dr Shane Delisser is currently undertaking an Academic Post at the General Practice Clinical Unit in 2023. During the Academic Post he has undertaken research in LGBT+ healthcare education, focusing on Medical Educator comfort levels, barriers, and enablers to providing inclusive LGBT+ teaching and learning.

Shane has been involved in GP course assessment and examination along with the tutorial of 3rd year medical students in their General Practice Rotation. 

““Over the past 12 months, the Academic Post has highlighted how diverse General Practice can be and has provided me with an incredible opportunity to explore another side of medicine. The ability to step away from the day-to-day clinical practice and engage in teaching, research and education has been such a rewarding process. Having the ability to engage with students in tutorials to assist in their learning, in addition to the development of assessment and curriculum for the medical course has been such a fantastic experience. Whilst working here at GPCU, I have had the opportunity to learn about academic research and the opportunity to conceptualise, develop and undertake my own project under the supervision and guidance of the fantastic academic team. If any GP registrar was considering undertaking an Academic Post, I would strongly encourage them to jump right in and apply.”


Contact us

If you have your own project idea, please contact us to discuss your plans.

For more information about academic registrar posts in general, contact Dr Ben Mitchell.


Past GP Academic Registrars


Dr Isaac Tranter

Patient perceptions of doctors accessing digital information during general practice consultations



Dr Neha Pandeya

Identifying the correlates for suicidal thoughts in a cohort of urban Indigenous Australians: a cross-sectional study of 1 year of health assessment data from the Southern Queensland Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care

Pandeya, Neha A., Schluter, Philip J., Spurling, Geoffrey K., Tyson, Claudette, Hayman, Noel E. and Askew, Deborah A. (2021). Factors associated with thoughts of self-harm or suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people presenting to urban primary care: an analysis of de-identified clinical data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (1) 153, 153. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19010153

Dr Isaac Tranter

GP registrars’ experience with and barriers and facilitators to provision of immunization in Australians over 65 years

Isaac Tranter, Parker Magin , Mieke L van Driel (2021) Immunising older Australians: Pre-COVID-19 vaccine perspectives from general practice training. Australian Journal of General Practice. DOI: 10.31128/AJGP-02-21-5844


Dr Alison Green

Diagnosing and providing initial management for patients with Gestational Diabetes: What is the General Practitioner’s experience?

Green, Alison, Callaway, Leonie, McIntyre, H. David and Mitchell, Ben (2020). Diagnosing and providing initial management for patients with Gestational Diabetes: What is the General Practitioner’s experience?. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 166 108290, 108290. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2020.108290

Dr Hayley Thomas

Practitioners’ Understanding of and Experiences Regarding Whole Person Care: A Qualitative Study

Thomas, H., M. Best, and G. Mitchell, Whole-person care in general practice: Factors affecting the provision of whole-person care. Aust J Gen Pract, 2020. 49(4): p. 215-220.

Thomas, H., M. Best, and G. Mitchell, Whole-person care in general practice: The doctor-patient relationship. Aust J Gen Pract, 2020. 49(3): p. 139-144.

Thomas, H., M. Best, and G. Mitchell, Whole-person care in general practice: The nature of whole-person care. Aust J Gen Pract, 2020. 49(1-2): p. 54-60.

Deckx, L., et al., General practitioners' practical approach to initiating end-of-life conversations: a qualitative study. Fam Pract, 2019.

Thomas, H., et al., General practitioners' considerations when deciding whether to initiate end-of-life conversations: a qualitative study. Fam Pract, 2019.

Thomas, H., M. Best, and G. Mitchell, Health Care Homes and whole-person care: A qualitative study of general practitioners' views. Aust J Gen Pract, 2019. 48(12): p. 867-874.


Emma Pappalardo

Emma Pappalardo, Parker Magin, Amanda Tapley, Andrew Davey, Elizabeth G Holliday, Jean Ball, Neil Spike, Kristen FitzGerald, Simon Morgan, Mieke L van Driel (2020). General practice registrars' experiences of antenatal care: A cross-sectional analysis. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol. DOI: 10.1111/ajo.13042

Dr Hayley Thomas

A Systematic Review of Whole Person Care in General Practice: The Current Understanding of Whole Person Care and Factors Influencing its implementation.

Thomas, H., et al., Definition of whole person care in general practice in the English language literature: a systematic review. BMJ Open, 2018. 8(12): p. e023758.

Dr Ryan Williams

Sturman N, Williams R, Ostini R, Wyder M, Siskind D. 'A really good GP': Engagement and satisfaction with general practice care of people with severe and persistent mental illness. Aust J Gen Pract. 2020 Jan-Feb;49(1-2):61-65.

Sturman N, Williams R, Wyder M, Lynch J. Heard, known, and safe in general practice? An interview study with patients with severe and persistent mental illness. BJGP Open 2022; DOI: 10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0201


Audience Prize, RACGP QLD research session: Barriers and enablers to primary care for patients with severe and persistent mental illness. Williams, R., Siskind, D., Wyder, M., and Sturman, N. (2018). 

Tutor of the Year Award, UQ MD Year 1, 2020.