8:00 AMWelcome to Year 2

Week 1
Integrated Symposium

Weeks 10-13, 15-16
Clinical Plenary

Weeks 2-8
 Allied Health Clinical Shadowing

Week 1-16
Integrated Symposium
Week 1
Pathology Lectorial
Weeks 3-4, 7, 10, 14
Workshops & Masterclass's
Weeks 2, 5, 8, 9, 11-13, 16
 Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 10
Skills B MasterClass:
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Masterclass
Week 14
Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 2-5,7-8
Skills C MasterClass:
Endocrine Examination

Week 9
Skills B MasterClass:
ENT Masterclass

Week 10
8:30 AM  
9:00 AM Pathology Practical
Week 3-5,7-8,11,13,15-16
Research and Epidemiology Workshop

Week 1
9:30 AMClinical Plenary

Week 1
10:00 AM Lectorials or Symposiums

Weeks 3-8, 10-13, 15
 Lectorials Online

Weeks 3, 7, 10-11, 13, 16
10:30 AM CBL

Weeks 1-16
 Skills C MasterClass:
Hip and Knee Examination

Week 2

Weeks 1-16
11:00 AM  Skills B MasterClass:
Breast, Male Genitalia, etc

Week 15
11:30 AM     
12:00 PMWelcome to Your Learning Community
Week 1
12:30 PM      
1:00 PM Integrated Symposium

Weeks 2-8
Clinical Plenary

Weeks 10-13,15-16
 Hospital OPD Clinic

Week 1-16
   Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 6
1:30 PM    Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW2  &3

Week 6,9
 Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 1
2:00 PM   Physiology Practical

Week 3,8
2:30 PM    Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 9,11-13
3:00 PMGP Placement Introduction
Week 1 
Research and Epidemiology Workshop

Weeks 6-7, 10, 15
Advocacy and Public Health Workshop

Weeks 8, 12, 13, 16 

Weeks 2-3, 5
Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW1

Week 1
3:30 PM Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW4

Week 13
4:00 PM     Anatomy and Pathology MD

Weeks 3-5, 7-8, 16
4:30 PM      
5:00 PMPhysiology
Week 1
5:30 PM Lectorials Online

Weeks 3, 6-8, 10, 12
Research and Epidemiology Masterclass
Option 1

Week 2
 Lectorial: Renal Physiology - Acid Base Balance
Online Week 6
Histology Practical 
Weeks 1, 3-4, 7-8,10,12,14 16
6:00 PM     
6:30 PM     
7:00 PM     
8:00 AMWelcome to Year 2

Week 1
Integrated Symposium

Weeks 10-13, 15-16
Clinical Plenary

Weeks 2-8
 Allied Health Clinical Shadowing
Week 1-16
GP Placement
Weeks 1-16
Integrated Symposium
Week 1
Pathology Lectorial
Weeks 3-4, 7, 10, 14
Workshops & Masterclass's
Weeks 2, 5, 8, 9, 11-13, 16
 Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW2 &3

Week 6,9
 Skills B MasterClass:
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Masterclass
Week 14
 Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 1-2,6-8
Skills C MasterClass:
Endocrine Examination

Week 9
Skills B MasterClass:
ENT Masterclass

Week 10
Advocacy and Public Health

Week 14
8:30 AM    
9:00 AM Pathology Practical
Week 3-5,7-8,11,13,15-16
Research and Epidemiology Workshop

Week 1
9:30 AMClinical Plenary

Week 1
10:00 AM Lectorials or Symposiums

Weeks 3-8, 10-13, 15
 Lectorials Online

Weeks 3, 7, 10-11, 13, 16
    Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 10
10:30 AM CBL

Weeks 1-16
 Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW4

Week 13
Skills C MasterClass:
Hip and Knee Examination

Week 2

Weeks 1-16
11:00 AM  Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 3 
Skills B MasterClass:
Breast, Male Genitalia, etc

Week 15
11:30 AM    
12:00 PMWelcome to Your Learning Community
Week 1
12:30 PM   Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW1

Week 1
1:00 PM Integrated Symposium

Weeks 2-8
Clinical Plenary

Weeks 10-13,15-16
 Hospital OPD Clinic
Week 1-16
1:30 PM  Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 4,5
2:00 PM   Physiology Practical

Week 3,8
2:30 PM     Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 9,11-13
3:00 PMGP Placement Introduction
Week 1 
Research and Epidemiology Workshop

Weeks 6-7, 10, 15
Advocacy and Public Health Workshop

Weeks 8, 12, 13, 16 

Weeks 2-3, 5
3:30 PM    
4:00 PM    Anatomy and Pathology MD

Weeks 3-5, 7-8, 16
4:30 PM  `  
5:00 PMPhysiology
Week 1
5:30 PM Lectorials Online

Weeks 3, 6-8, 10, 12
Research and Epidemiology Masterclass
Option 1

Week 2
 Lectorial: Renal Physiology - Acid Base Balance
Online Week 6
 Histology Practical 
Weeks 1, 3-4, 7-8,10,12,14 16
6:00 PM      
6:30 PM      
7:00 PM      
8:00 AMWelcome to Year 2

Week 1
Integrated Symposium

Weeks 10-13, 15-16
Clinical Plenary

Weeks 2-8
 GP Placement

Weeks 1-16
Integrated Symposium
Week 1
Pathology Lectorial
Weeks 3-4, 7, 10, 14
Workshops & Masterclass's
Weeks 2, 5, 8, 9, 11-13, 16
 Skills B MasterClass:
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Masterclass
Week 14

Weeks 3-5,7-8,16
Skills C MasterClass:
Endocrine Examination

Week 9
Skills B MasterClass:
ENT Masterclass

Week 10
Advocacy and Public Health

Week 14
8:30 AM   
9:00 AM Pathology Practical
Week 3-5,7-8,11,13,15-16
Research and Epidemiology Workshop

Week 1
9:30 AMClinical Plenary

Week 1
10:00 AM Lectorials or Symposiums

Weeks 3-8, 10-13, 15
 Lectorials Online

Weeks 3, 7, 10-11, 13, 16
 Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW1

Week 1
10:30 AM   Skills C MasterClass:
Hip and Knee Examination

Week 2
Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW2 &3

Week 6,9
 Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 1-3,6-9,11-13
11:00 AM   Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 4-5
Skills B MasterClass:
Breast, Male Genitalia, etc

Week 15
11:30 AM     
12:00 PMWelcome to Your Learning Community
Week 1
12:30 PM     
1:00 PM Integrated Symposium

Weeks 2-8
Clinical Plenary

Weeks 10-13,15-16
   Clinical and Professional Learning

Week 10
Clinical and Procedural Skills PSW4

Week 13
1:30 PM      
2:00 PM   Physiology Practical

Week 3,8
2:30 PM       
3:00 PMGP Placement Introduction
Week 1 
Research and Epidemiology Workshop

Weeks 6-7, 10, 15
Advocacy and Public Health Workshop

Weeks 8, 12, 13, 16 

Weeks 2-3, 5

Weeks 1-16


Weeks 1-2,6,9-15
3:30 PM   
4:00 PM    Anatomy and Pathology MD

Weeks 3-5, 7-8, 16
4:30 PM      
5:00 PMPhysiology
Week 1
5:30 PM Lectorials Online

Weeks 3, 6-8, 10, 12
Research and Epidemiology Masterclass
Option 1

Week 2
 Lectorial: Renal Physiology - Acid Base Balance
Online Week 6
Histology Practical 
Weeks 1, 3-4, 7-8,10,12,14 16
6:00 PM     
6:30 PM     
7:00 PM