Researcher biography

Dr Faith R. Yong is a pharmacist researcher with a keen interest in improving the quality of care in health systems by addressing workforce challenges, professional identity issues and organisational conflicts within and between professions. She is an experienced community pharmacist with years of clinical experience in different states in Australia, and is an administrator of the Consultant Pharmacists Australia group, which exists to foster workplace learning and clinical excellence in the accredited pharmacist space. She has taught pharmacy practice, social pharmacy, health management, safety and quality subjects in universities for the last six years. Her academic work has included mentoring and supervising pharmacy honours students and hospital pharmacists in medication safety research and audits, and collaborative research between multiple hospital pharmacy departments in South East Queensland. She currently works in general practice workforce research at UQ's Rural Clinical School, whilst collaborating in multiple research projects with UNSW, UQ School of Pharmacy, Griffith University, the Westmead Institute of Medical Research at the University of Sydney, and UQ's Academy of Medical Education in improving medical education for medical students, junior doctors, registrars and consultants through evidence-informed feedback interventions in metropolitan and regional hospitals for workplace learning. Faith's research interests include theoretically based qualitative and participatory action research to understand and improve healthcare work and practitioner wellbeing from a systems perspective.