
The 3-Domains screening toolkit has been developed for use in general practice during annual driver licence medical assessment in older drivers (>75 years). The toolkit assesses across the three functional domains essential for driving (sensory, motor, and cognitive) and generates a combined predictive score of likelihood the older driver would pass on-road driving assessment (%). The three toolkit tests are visual acuity (Sensory), functional reach (Motor), and road signs recognition (Cognitive). The combined predictive score can be used to inform GP clinical judgement and to support conversations between GPs and older drivers about the need to plan for eventual driving cessation or for further in-depth testing.  

Feasibility study in general practice

The feasibility study in general practices in south-east Queensland is using the toolkit during routine annual driver medical assessment in older drivers and exploring acceptability and utility through interviews with older drivers, practice nurses and GPs.

Validation study in specialist driving assessment clinic

The validation study in the Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment & Rehabilitation Service, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane is evaluating the three toolkit tests and specialist on-road driving assessment outcome to determine and improve accuracy of the 3-Domains toolkit prediction equation for older (>75 years) Australian drivers.

Funded by

The Royal Australian College of General Practice (RACGP) Foundation and Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) Grant.


Using the 3-Domains screening toolkit in your practice


UQ Researchers

Professor Katharine Wallis

Mayne Professor and Head
Mayne Academy of General Practice
General Practice Clinical Unit
Dr Geoff Spurling

Associate Professor Geoff Spurling

Associate Professor
General Practice Clinical Unit
Principal Research Fellow


Dr. James Matthews
General Practitioner
Ocean Shores Medical Centre, NSW

Louise Bassingthwaite
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment & Rehabilitation Service
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Metro South Health