Postgraduate study
Postgraduate coursework
Master of Medicine - MMed (Skin Cancer)
Graduates will have a level of knowledge and diagnostic skill that will enable them to effectively manage a large proportion of skin cancer in their clinical work.
UQ’s postgraduate Skin Cancer medicine program is designed to give training in the biology, diagnosis and principles of management of skin cancer. It is suitable for doctors and health practitioners wishing to enhance their knowledge and skills in this area of practices. Both Graduate Certificate (1 year part-time) and Master (2 year part-time) level programs are available in this entirely external training. Further information is available via:
Higher degrees by research
Our Mayne Academy is very supportive of postgraduate students and higher degrees by research are offered on a full or part-time basis to accomodate clinical practice.
Here is what Dr Geoff Spurling, one of our current PhD students has to say about his experience in DGP:
"DGP has been very generous in providing me with the resources to get my thesis off the ground. After a year in, I felt like a blind man flailing about in a room trying to find the boundaries. My DGP supervisors have helped me find the edges.
Primary care research may not have the charisma of laboratory-based research but I think this thesis has the potential to benefit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the community where I work as a clinician and it wouldn't have been possible without DGP."
For more information regarding research conducted within our research streams, please click on the links below or download our brochure. To look at what current higher degree by research students affiliated with the Mayne Academy of General Practice are doing, please click here.
View HDR program information:
Find out more about our research areas.
Visit the Graduate School site for further details on the application process and more information on studying a higher degree by research at the University of Queensland.
If you are interested in pursuing a HDR in the Mayne Academy of General Practice, please email our DGP Administrator who can help direct you to a potential supervisor within your area of interest.
Potential advisors and their areas of research may also be found on UQ RESEARCHERS or UQ Experts.